Colourful Colour

Colour can offer us many things, cheer, comfort and calm. The colours we choose to wear and how we wear them is our own form of expression.

Both ends of the colour spectrum offer uplifting choices. A mood-boosting bright such as orange or red can activate our senses and help to energise us, bringing us joy and delight. A paler palette of colours can also switch on our feelings, they have a positive therapeutic effect which can relax and help us to unwind.

When it comes to getting dressed some of us love to wear colour, we have learnt to know what suits us and we embrace it, while others are not so sure so we may avoid it.

Here are some of my top tips on wearing colour.


There are a number of ways to check what colours will generally suit you and your skin tone. The one I recommend the most is by checking the veins in your wrists and hands. This is a quick test to see what undertone you are as it doesn't require much effort, just make sure you try it in the natural light so you get a true representation and when you are your most natural colour. It’s likely you have a warmer undertone if your veins are on the greener side. More purple and blue suggests you have a cooler undertone. If you are finding it hard to make a decision then you are most probably what is termed neutral so can fall between the two.


There's another trick I was once told about, the 'blink' test. While wearing your chosen colour stand in front of the mirror and blink. When you open your eyes what do you see first...the colour or you? If you see you then this means it's good for you, it suits you, if you see the colour first then it's likely to mean it's wearing you.


If you identify on the warmer side then colours such as oranges, reds, browns and corals will work for you, as do the warmer shades of green, like an olive or khaki. It's suggested that your best neutrals are the milkier kind, think taupe, cream and cappuccino tones.


As a cooler type you are better suited to more saturated colours. Head towards strong blues, jewel greens and majestic purples. Paler shades like lilacs and sky blues may also work for you. Your neutral friends are navy and grey.


If you find yourself stuck in making your decision my advice to you is be cautious with the brighter and more energetic shades and try the warmer undertone colours.


I always say to my clients experiment and give something a go, that's anything related to your style or your outfit choice as you just never know. This is the same for colour, a colour may work for you even if it's not supposed to on paper. Some rules are made to be broken!


It’s important you find the right shades of colour for you. If it's too light you will find it washes you out, too dark and it will add shadows to your complexion. Once you have found, and you are happy with your undertone there are 12 groups that can help you to establish what colours are best for you, these colour seasons range from Light Spring to Deep Winter. I can help you to work this out if you need some help in doing so get in touch.


A colourful wardrobe doesn't have to be filled with lots of colourful clothing. If there is a shade you like but you don't feel happy with it next to your face then wear it somewhere else. Your bottom half, your shoes, a bag or some costume jewellery to get your colour fix and activate your senses. You can also wear a shade on your lips or as an eyeshadow pop of colour. All of these options will add some vitality to your day.


Referred to as your primary colour, 'your colour' doesn’t really change over the course of your life, but it is influenced by other changes, such as when you go grey, if you change your hair colour or when you tan. All things to consider when are dressing for these times.


There are some colours that we can all wear whatever our tone or season. Pure white is one of them and this is generally why a white shirt will suit most of us, the fun part is finding the best shade that works for you. Other colours are hues of light pink, dark purples such as aubergine or teals. If you like to wear black but you feel like it drains you then try adding a neck scarf, some earrings or a necklace that works for you.

Colour really can enhance our moods and our well-being. I always say don't worry about trends wear what suits you and what you feel good in. Choose colours that you know you connect with and you will ooze confidence by embracing your own individuality.


Your Base Layer


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